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ISSN 2660-7255



If what is said holds any truth, that there is light in the dark and there are rivers in the desert, this publication arises to give credibility to this axiom: a precept that opens a door against adversity and aims to cross it to simply become another possibility of being, in a real event, an experience worthy of taking shape and manifesting itself. Indeed. We were born out of inclement, a tragic episode that we all had to live through, an event that has stopped the daily drive of our lives, gagging, subtracting, silencing it. But even in that minimalist reduction of the constant movement of things we have known how to find life, recovering our chores, conversations, intimacies, self-knowledge, reflections.


Shibumi is also the result of that explosion of ideas that arose in adverse times, a derivative that has only fueled creativity and, finally, given it a format and content. We, men and women of budô, share the same desire: to communicate through the exercise of our art, a path of formation that brings us together periodically in that common space that is the dôjô. Away, as we are at the moment, from that very special place, Shibumi aims to be that meeting point in which wills, experiences, readings, thoughts can be reunited.


They say in Japan that wood sinks in the river, while stone floats on the surface. The banal and superficial ends up disappearing but what has consistency always remains. There are things that are here to maintain: education, comprehensive training, socialization, inner cultivation and all of this is worthy of a school of budô, a reality more necessary today than ever and that is nothing but that stone floating in the water surface. With the desire to communicate as an objective, with the desire to share, as a driving element, we began this literary, philosophical and aesthetic adventure to feel that our paths continue to tune.

May 2020


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Los estudiantes deben
profundizar en los orígenes y evolución del arte ya que, al hacerlo, se comprende mejor cómo, qué y por qué, éste se convirtió en lo que es.

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Katori Shintô ryû enfatiza en la importancia de poner fin al conflicto sin guerra y anima
a los practicantes a mirar más allá de las técnicas de lucha.

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De igual forma tenemos que saber adaptar nuestra forma de enseñar a los tiempos que vivimos.

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Al principio, los practicantes necesitan desarrollar la paciencia y entrenan su cuerpo
con todos los elementos posibles. Más tarde aprenden a meditar y regresan a lo esencial que significa ser un ser humano.

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La relación del maestro con sus alumnos es muy importante, cuanto más se dilate este tiempo, mejor será la comprensión del Arte.


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